Eat | Dink | Cheap Episode 37 – Lunar Dumplings

Simon and Shawn finally got the courage to tackle their biggest and most beloved topic yet! The multitude of dumplings made in Asia come a variety of shapes, tastes and textures that cannot be found anywhere else on our little blue marble. Grab your chopsticks kids, it’s time to dumple!

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

The Spruce Eats Guide to Chinese Dumplings :

Double Happiness:

Folding Chinese Dumplings:

Taste Tibet Cookbook:

Dim Sum Cookbook:

God Of Cookery:

Tokyo Groove Jyoshi:

Blue Eye Samurai:

Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 31 – Tofu

It’s wobbly, it’s wonderful and it’s cheap! Simon and Shawn take this ancient Chinese soy product and press, shape smash and fry it into your favourite new dinner protein.

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Deep Cove Brewing:

T&T Supermarkets:

Korean-Style Mapo Tofu:

Agedashi Tofu:

The Amazing Devil:

The Amazing Devil:

LTJ Bukem:

Spot Prawn Tempura

After getting completely trounced in the first round of last week’s Shellfish Festival competition, I’ve been thinking a lot about simplicity. One of my many mistakes during those surreal 45 minutes was going in too many directions at once instead of focusing on a single, well crafted dish. So yeah, fourteen years experience and I still have to go back and work on fundamentals! *laughs*

I’ve still got bags of Calvin’s freshly-caught Spot Prawns in my freezer and the whole family is home today for one reason or another. I think it’s time I channel my fryer days at Wasabiya and bang out some simple, perfect prawn tempura. Read More

Soy-Braised Pork Loin

If you’ve ever been to a real Chinese market, have a Chinatown near you, or hell… If you’ve been to China you’ve seen and hopefully tasted Siu Mei in all of its barbecued, glistening glory. It’s a take-out tradition that goes back to Guangzhou in the days when every neighbourhood had a local “oven master” that would roast various animals in special sauce to perfection and sell them to their neighbours to eat with a bit of rice and pickles. Read More