Eggplant Antipasto

It’s the very last night of the year and I have nothing to do but stand around nibbling on fancy cheeses and preserves with a glass of my podcast co-host Simon’s homemade mead in hand. We have been entertaining all week long and have simply had enough of people… It’s just me and these little nibbles.

My favourite of the bunch is a type of antipasti made of simmered strips of eggplant that go especially well with grassy wines and robust cheeses. It’s a recipe from Cooking by Hand by Paul Bertolli, a book I’ve referenced constantly on our podcast this year. It is a genuine gem, equal parts traditional recipe-focused cookbook, seasonal manifesto and memoir. It’s the kind of tome everyone should leave loitering on the corner of their prep area for inspiration.

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Spot Prawn Tempura

After getting completely trounced in the first round of last week’s Shellfish Festival competition, I’ve been thinking a lot about simplicity. One of my many mistakes during those surreal 45 minutes was going in too many directions at once instead of focusing on a single, well crafted dish. So yeah, fourteen years experience and I still have to go back and work on fundamentals! *laughs*

I’ve still got bags of Calvin’s freshly-caught Spot Prawns in my freezer and the whole family is home today for one reason or another. I think it’s time I channel my fryer days at Wasabiya and bang out some simple, perfect prawn tempura. Read More

Nettle Pesto

Nettle Pesto

Mother Nature has finally pulled herself together and ended the treachley tyranny of wind and rain that we West coasters call winter. Now that the sun’s out the world becomes a psychedelic dreamscape of bright pink cherry blossoms, purple crocuses, and deep green salmonberry shoots. I roll back the rock and stumble blindly, yet eagerly out of my cave and into the backyard with a pair of gloves and a plastic bag to collect the first edible greenery of the year: The mighty Stinging Nettle! Read More