Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 18 – Soop!

Nothing satifies and nurishes us during the dark and bliseringly cold months like a big ‘o bowl of soup! Simon and Shawn dive deep into the pot of memory and dredge up some stories and killer recipes plus literature/music picks and a special guest. 

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade:

Cajun Jambalaya with Isaac Toupes:

Chestnut Soup with Crispy Pancetta:

Mammal Hands:

Soup By Barbara Kafka:

Chasing the Gator Isaac Toups:

Stay warm out there kids!

Love The Life: How To Stay Sane In The Culinary Industry

It was a night like so many others:  A hurricane of twittering servers running to and fro, The Clash blaring from the prep area, orders billowing like Tibetan prayer flags on the line and the hungry ghosts of a hundred tables whispering in my ear that they’re food’s taking too damn long to…

“Y’know, I’m really thinking about taking the Culinary Arts Course at the college… This feels right. I’ve already learned a lot already and I really like this place.” I overhear one of my prep boys debating his future over in no-man’s land and I automatically shout back, “You’re too damn smart for this industry! Go be an undersea wielder or whatever the hell makes more money!”

Everybody has a laugh and goes back to business but as I dug out another plateful of mashed potatoes I hear my own words ringing in my head. It was the same stuff I’d heard before and been told a million times by other, usually older cooks. Now I was the “lifer” on the line: The grizzled old man chiding the younger guys to get out fast and find a better path to fame and fortune far away from the hard slog of kitchen life. Read More