Crashing The Party – Notes From The BCSGA Gala Dinner

BannerI’ve spent the last decade on this rock doing two things related to birthdays: Spending them in kitchens and denying they exist. This has worked pretty well for me as I don’t like fuss or obligation or having to admit that I’m getting old. Win freakin win.

This year was a bit different. My chef Matt MacDonald offered me not only a day off, but an invitation to one of the Comox Valley’s most celebrated and exclusive parties; The BC Shellfish Gowers Association Gala Dinner! Six of the raddest chefs in BC (hell, in all of Canada!) were converging on Filberg Park to showcase local seafood paired with local wine. I couldn’t refuse! Read More

Mountain Blueberries

Mountain Blueberries 1I wish I knew half what the flock of them know
Of where all the berries and other things grow,
Cranberries in bogs and raspberries on top
Of the boulder-strewn mountain, and when they will crop.
I met them one day and each had a flower
Stuck into his berries as fresh as a shower;
Some strange kind–they told me it hadn’t a name.

– Robert Frost, Blueberries Read More

Eight More BC Summer Beers

More BC Summer BeersIt’s been a scorcher this summer.

Not that I’m complaining… I like getting to work with dry socks and I love spending my weekends in the great outdoors!

It’s been a big change to have two days off with my wife! *laughs* Go ahead and insert your off-colour marriage joke here… But really, Crystal and I have been mountain biking, hiking, taking the dog to the beach and adventuring to new restaurants, farmer’s markets and junk shops. In short, we’ve enjoyed ourselves a lot.

Consequently, I haven’t spent as much time on the blog as I suppose I should… Sorry y’all.

During all these shenanigans I’ve discovered a handful of new, local beers that have accompanied and enhanced said shenanigans in all the right ways.

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Synchronicity: Flat Tires and Disco Thistles

Disco ThistleI think I’m starting to believe in fate.

It’s been a crazy couple of months on Quadra, filled with adventures and mis-adventures, happenstance and straight-up, no-joke synchronicity. Every day it seems I’m stumbling blindly, yet gladly into another chance meeting, nutball conversation and potential life-changing experience. Take, for example the morning I got off the ferry and found that my rear bike tire was flat… Read More