Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 27 – Radishes

It’s takuan time!!! Shawn and Simon take a big bite out of the cheapest and easiest spring/summer vegetable to grow and enjoy.

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Honey Glazed Radishes:

The Flavour Bible:

RIP Ahmad Jamal:

Thousand Island Dressing:

Soy-Pickled Daikon Radish

Soy Pickled Daikon 1I’m back from my trip to the not-so-frozen East coast and have one more afternoon of relaxation before work begins anew. To cleanse my overstimulated mind of the past week’s wildness I’ve decided to spend the day puttering around the kitchen performing my favourite Zen tasks: Simmering stock, baking bread and making pickles.

The oldschool Japanese art of making pickles (tsukemono) was first taught to me by chef Hiro, who would make one or two batches of variously-preserved vegetables each week for the restaurant. They were usually simple to prepare and quick to get into the game (never taking more than 2-3 days to fully pickle) and always showcased the natural flavour of the vegetable. All that was needed to make ‘em was a container, salt, and something to apply pressure on top. Read More