Eat | Drink | Cheap Episode 04 – Eggs

Good morning sunshine! Simon and Shawn discuss the humble egg, star of breakfast buffets, pastries and carbonara. 

Questions, comments or corrections? Hit us up at

Music by John Palmer

Show notes and Shout Outs:

Candance and Jess Judge a Book By It’s Cover @

Oyakodon Donburi @

All Day Breakfast Cafe @

Les Stroud’s  Wild Harvest @

The Psychic Anchor Cocktail

The first time I remember anyone mentioning Dr. Hunter S. Thompson to me was in college. It was an art school so of course every conceivable image of the counterculture from the 60s to the ‘aughts where plastered on every kid’s dorm room walls and sleeves. A curly-haired rave kid who reminded me too much of myself cornered me during a smoke break and demanded to know how much I knew of his idol, the good doctor.

Being a twenty year old freshmen desperate to prove myself as an intellectual worthy of respect and kinship I blindly answered, “Oh, Raoul King right? He’s the guy from the Jonnhy Depp movie. I loved it!” After I got the stoner-cred shit kicked out of me I went back to my dorm room and got reading up on Thompson and his alter-ego “Raoul Duke”. As it turned out the 1998 movie (which I did love) was only the Hollywood tip of the 60s and 70s literary iceberg. Read More

Breakfast of Champions

“Breakfast was, on the whole, a leisurely and silent meal, for no member of the family was very talkative at that hour. By the end of the meal the influence of the coffee, toast, and eggs made itself felt, and we started to revive, to tell each other what we intended to do, why we intended to do it, and then argue earnestly as to whether each had made a wise decision.”

― Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals

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Dandelion Omelette with Spring Herbs and Smoked Asiago

Dandelion Omelette 1For some reason, every time I make an omelette I think of Neil Gaimen’s Sandman comic. There is this scene where Morpheus (the titular character) is asked what he wants to eat. He responds: “An omelette, a light salad and a glass of white wine…”

This, to me is the essence of brunch: A couple eggs, something green and restorative and a bit of the ‘ol hair of the dog. The perfect thing for that weird, still-dazed, what the hell am I doing with my day? feeling that comes from waking late and piecing together the night before. Food’s got to be nourishing, light and easy… With bite. Read More

Pan-Fried Herring with Roasted Potatoes

Pan Fried Herring with Roasted PotatoesNow that our herring have been processed, it’s time to hit the kitchen and turn these trashy little nomads into rock stars! Now, because of herring’s unfortunate reputation for greasy, mealy, unpleasantness, I’m going to cook them simply, keep the flavours fresh and surround them with friends that will complement them. Nothing like a posse to give you confidence. Now, let’s smash some stereotypes! Read More