Over the last four years and nearly two hundred posts, Eat|Drink|Breathe has evolved in many ways, but not visually. The old green ‘n black, three-column format that was ever so popular back in the early ‘aughts desperately needed an update. Something that represented where we’re at now… Maybe something a little more Zen.
Luckily I know a very pretty lady with a lot of web design smarts and patience enough to put up with (and fix) every aesthetic monkey wrench I throw at her. Crystal simplified the layout to make it easier for visitors to navigate around (especially on their phones) and made the comment box more user friendly. We stuck to simple black ‘n white to highlight the photos and keep things clean. I painted a new, ensō-inspired logo and stuck on a button that links to my beloved Pinterest account.
So yeah, have a poke around and let us know what you think of Eat | Drink | Breathe Version 2.0.