Happy Halloween!

I’m not sure if the photo makes it clear, but the image I carved lovingly into this pumpkin may just be eat|drink|breathe.com’s new logo!

Light the bonfires and bring on the hordes of polite, yet bloodthirsty children! Candy for everyone! Happy Samhain!

Sugar Roasted Beets with Quick Pickled Onions

Sugar Roasted BeetsRoasting  is my favourite way to show some ‘lovin to my favourite root vegetable, Beetroot. A quick glazing with sugar and orange juice wakes up the beet’s natural sweetness, and ensures a jewel-like lacquered finish.  Leave them to roast a little longer than you would other root veg and you’ll be rewarded with a sticky, sweet candy crunch on the outside, and a soft smokey center. Thinly sliced onions macerated in cider vinegar balance out all the caramel ecstasy and remind you that it`s still a savoury dish.

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