Eggplant Antipasto

It’s the very last night of the year and I have nothing to do but stand around nibbling on fancy cheeses and preserves with a glass of my podcast co-host Simon’s homemade mead in hand. We have been entertaining all week long and have simply had enough of people… It’s just me and these little nibbles.

My favourite of the bunch is a type of antipasti made of simmered strips of eggplant that go especially well with grassy wines and robust cheeses. It’s a recipe from Cooking by Hand by Paul Bertolli, a book I’ve referenced constantly on our podcast this year. It is a genuine gem, equal parts traditional recipe-focused cookbook, seasonal manifesto and memoir. It’s the kind of tome everyone should leave loitering on the corner of their prep area for inspiration.

Eggplant has always been one of my lowkey favourite vegetables and this recipe utilizes it’s unique texture and ability to sponge up other flavours in a very exciting way. Don’t freak out by the simmering stage… I know I was at first but it works!

All the ingredients are at their best around late summer and will last submerged in oil until right around now when you can kick off a multi-course meal or add them to a charcuterie board along with wine and good tunes.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Eggplant Antipasto (fills 1 medium-sized mason jar)


  • 4 Litres water
  • 140 grams Kosher Salt (about 1/2 cup)
  • 120 ml Apple Cider Vinegar (1/2 cup)
  • 1 Medium Eggplant (450g, julienned)
  • 1 Garlic Clove (8g, minced)
  • 1 Serrano Chili Pepper (10g, thinly sliced)
  • Juice of 1 Lemon (60ml) plus the zest (8g)
  • 45 ml extra Virgin Olive Oil (3 tbls)
  • Handful of Fresh Mint (6g, thinly sliced)


  1. Bring the water, salt and vinegar to a simmer. In the meantime, sterilize a mason jar with lid.
  2. Add the julienned eggplant to the simmering water and stir constantly to separate as it cooks. It is essential not to overcook the eggplant so you must babysit the pot for 1 minute. Taste a piece and if it still has a bit of bite (al dente) it is ready to remove. If it is still hard leave it in another 30 seconds more.
  3. Drain the eggplant through a fine colander and rinse very briefly with some cold water. Gather the eggplant in your hands and carefully squeeze any excess water out. Leave eggplant to dry on a kitchen towel.
  4. In a separate bowl mix the minced garlic, chilli and lemon. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil while whisking to form a dressing of sorts. Finish with the mint.
  5. Toss the cooled eggplant in the oil mixture, season to taste with salt and pepper and pack into mason jar. Add more oil to cover all the eggplant is necessary. Can be refrigerated up to six months with a proper mason jar seal.

Music to eat eggplant to… Just go back to where it all started and login to

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