Eat | Drink | Breathe is a journal of foraging, cooking and eating experiences on Vancouver Island and the Northwest coast of BC, Washington and Oregon.
Shawn is a professional chef living on Vancouver Island. He somehow finds time outside of work for gardening, mountain biking, meditating, drinking beer and writing about food.
Crystal edits the blog and keeps Shawn from accidentally blowing it all up.

Shawn and Simon started Eat | Drink | Cheap in 2022. It’s a podcast about how old recipes and new techniques can save you money in a world of rising food costs. Give it a listen over on our Podcast page.
Simon went to baking school in Vancouver, ran a sword fighting school in Kamloops and is a cook on Vancouver Island. He loves food and also birds.
All writing and photos on this website are copyright © 2012 All rights reserved. If you want to use ’em or just say hi, shoot me an Email :
Disclosure: This is a personal food and drink blog with numerous affiliate links to products and music that we enjoy and we receive compensation for each purchase made through these links.